
(C)2014 Taveau D’Arcy All rights reserved


THE MAIN Secret to “discernment and perception” is to fall in love with the MAKER of LIFE and of all Pioneering Kingdom Lampstands.

Then make that your TOP priority, an ongoing First Love Lifestyle.

AND this includes a (nonlegalistic) Sabbath Day (nonlegalistic means  a carved out best quantity of time which YOU and God both agree upon) BY OBEYING Isaiah 56 (again not legalistically, if your job forces you to be at work on SUNDAY you can’t take a SUNDAY sabbath..but YOU pray and allow the Holy Spirit to guide YOU…as the LORD has a promised,commanded BLESSING in ISAIAH 56:7 (for all who remove themselves APART to simply devote to getting better ACQUAINTED with the Lord, with better KNOWING the Lord

(this means NOT just ABOUT HIM or what YOU want Him to DO for YOU).

AND with that as an ongoing set (not religious) Sabbath Rest Lifestyle,we then can try to much more accurately begin to really KNOW HIM and then it will better enable US to hear, to receive Holy Spirit prompted new wisdom, free creative new problem solving realistic insights and big plans, AND even receive wisdom, input,insight about YOUR calling, being HEALED, about ministry, worship, or RECREATION.

MAIN POINT: Thus, knowing GOD for real (remember,not just ABOUT Him) is not about working pre- set etched in concrete formula.

However, IF God tells YOU that HE WANTS you to claim Bible promises, to confess them while applying faith in them OR NOT, meaning just simply BE with the Lord, and inwardly RECEIVE from the Lord.

AND THIS all (the above) will open up NEW REALMS for “hearing back from, accurately, maturely, perceiving and inwardly discerning and RECEIVING from the (none spooky!) Living Lord.

MAIN LESSON TODAY: 1. DO NOT get too superserious and by mistake begin to take YOURSELF or YOUR PERCEIVER GIFT TOO TOO SERIOUSLY. (doing that is what makes “perceiver, discerner, spirit of prophecy subgroups” have a negative (flakey) poor me, overly introspective and uncaring,even aloof and unloving (cold) to others.

THE LESSON (helpful hint) for today, is KNOW WHEN TO SAY WHEN. KNOW when the Lord is telling YOU that HE really wants,needs YOU  to press in,even for short or very long time.

BUT then know when the “inward witness of God’s Holy Spirit” begins to draw from you and reveals that NOW it is  YOUR time to rise up and embody JESUS in Acts 10:38 “Going about doing GOOD (for others)”

But not in a rash, works, religious goody two shows ministry Boanerge fashion.


Get some SABBATH in YOUR busy Life!

Dr. T

(C) 2014 Taveau D’Arcy All copyrights reserved